This is me: Australia, circa's a funny thing to note, that when you spend so much time looking through the lens, actual photos of yourself are scarce!
I've been involved with photography since a very early age. When I was a child, I got to play with Dad's Polaroid camera. He likely handed it to me to keep me occupied during some event. Ultimately, I pointed the camera, pushed the button, and watched as an image materialized out of nowhere on a little piece of paper. It was like magic! I was amazed! A lifelong love affair was born.
I was self-taught until I began studying technical and commercial photography in 1994. The tools were 35mm and 4x5 large format back then. After my studies, I worked freelance. I had a little studio in Portland, Oregon and I specialized in product and interior design. I shot a lot of catalog work back then! I have worked as an educator teaching groups and individuals the nuts and bolts of photography, both film and digital.
These days I shoot mainly for myself. I shoot because I love photography and I made this website to showcase the photography that I love; Nature, Travel, the Odd and the Unusual... I hope you will find something you enjoy contained in these pages!